A place for a slightly social retard yet self proclaimedly "suprisingly handsome"(not really at all) gimp to dump stuff! Read if you want and you know me sorta, run if you dont!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Newest Hair color and a dear old friend?

this is petunia, the thing that stretched my arm.... ouch!
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this is an upclose of my current hair color with a flash on its not this orangey under normal light....
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more normally lit picture (right after wizard of oz hence the make up)
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wow, the fact that I not only took this many pictures of my self,

but put them on a website....is sad....
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Blogger Susannah said...

Oh my heavens, boy.

I don't see you for ONE week and you've already gone and dyed yourself red.

What does that make? 4 colors in less than 2 weeks. I have a lot of dying to do to catch up to you!


12:36 AM

Blogger Susannah said...

The makeup works for you...should that be a frightening thought?


1:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am not a hair stylist, just hair ADD. and thanks about the make up.....i think? (is slightly weirded out).

9:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i gotta say that your whole hair addiction is pretty lame, first of all it doesnt look good, second you are gonna be bald by the time your 20 cause you dye your hair so much ... thats in like 5 years right? of course the make up does go good with you, but wait thats only because your a frickin gay.... buddy even if you looked good in these pictures i would think it was retarded you posted so many of yourself.. get a life and stop admiring what you think looks good , and everyone else thinks looks horrible.

12:48 AM

Blogger Gimptastic said...

you know what? dont you have something better to do with your life than randomly browsing blogs of people you dont know, i dont think i am hot i just like to change my image deal with it. The make is left over from a show I was in, I am actually rather shockingly straight unlike you Mr. 40 year old cat collecter living with your....mother was it? or your lover hernan the spanish guitarist you bought on ebay. You know he is only seventeen...you could go to jail for that. I wont go bald because hair dye doesnt do that if u do it right, i may look lame and i may randomly post them on the internet but thats cuz my friends dont care, at least i couldnt make a wig with the hair thats growing on my back like you. Go download your self a life and go do something with it ok?

12:12 AM

Blogger Susannah said...

You can buy a seventeen-year-old Spanish guitarist lover on eBay??? Something that should've been brought to my attention before I went and made plans to become a nun.

Geez, somebody tell me these things!!!

1:19 AM


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