ARGH! A little about me and my frustration!

ARGH! is right! I just found out I can only have 4 colors for the poster/program/t-shirt thing! how annoying! it looks so bad now....!
On a new less, frustrated note, I will write my first real introductory blog thingy. Hi I am Aaron Gordon, middle name James, of various lineages. I moved from California to Utah when I was 5, and I need to blog sometime about my various stories of cat-insanity at my house in California. We lived an hour away from a little town that was an hour away from Fresno. We also lived by basically no one but orange trees, 8 acres of which were ours, that seems sufficient for now. I moved to a nicely and randomly huge house in Utah promptly at the age of 5. It was massive, 11,000sq' and it had an indoor olympic sized pool and a 2 acre lot. The reason why we had a massive house was by some stretch of the imagination my dad was friends with an Osmond who was suddenly broke, we bought the huge yet...old house, for dirt cheap and immediately tried to sell it because we too could not afford it. I soon met my best friend(s) for life Bobbisue Padro and her family, we are so close it's like we are related. I had to adjust to wearing clothes, because in california I didnt have to. My brother Grant was more use to them cause he went to school. Speaking of Grant he is on a mission in Japan right now, go Grant! After a brief 2 year horribly scaring educational experience at Challenger (more on that later) I went to my new and permanent school, Meridian. It was a 35 minute drive from my house to school, but it was worth it, the teachers and the kids were awesome. Bobbi also went there :) we carpooled. And then disasterishness hit! (not really but kinda) In fourth grade I sprouted an aneurismal bone cyst in my left humerus which was splintering the bone, (it looked like a KFC drumstick). I discovered Billy (his name) while playing with one of my Dad's inventions in our loft, It hurt real bad suddenly and I fell to the floor crying, my nephews ran away laughing, and no one believed me. (I had a reputation for drama) It hurt for the next week and still no one listened to my plea's to go to a doctor. Finally while watching Babe on tv with my brother, he knocked me out of my chair and I felt a crack and a rush of heat to my arm, I started shreiking "TAKE ME TO THE DOCTOR!! GIVE ME A BLESSING! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE ME NOW!!! NOW!!!" (yea i was a drama king) They did and my mom was just doing it to...comfort me she didnt expect to see anything on the xray and said not take one, I really wanted one. The doctor at the night clinic came back in, she seemed nervous, she put the xray on the light thingy and my mom covered her mouth. There was a tumor the size of my fist (now which is pretty big) in my little fourth grade bone. When they were taking the xray they took it twice because they thought I moved and that was what was producing the tumor looking thing, but it wasnt from moving :(.It also had a compound fracture, the doctor told my mom that she was sure it wasnt benign...and the radiologist agreed. I did'nt know what it all meant, and when they used the word "malignant" and my mom started to tear up I started to take advantadge of the situation and started to tear up with her, and in the car I remember saying "Mom....I'm scared." really really really dramatically luckily she was to schocked to notice and said "me too honey". The next morning my mom saw another specialist who said it needed to be amputated ASAP and that even with the amputation I had maybe five years to live. That's all for today I'll pick up where I left off tomorrow!
10:38 PM
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