A place for a slightly social retard yet self proclaimedly "suprisingly handsome"(not really at all) gimp to dump stuff! Read if you want and you know me sorta, run if you dont!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Ok so basically when you get...being tan...boredom....camera...new clothes....and me together

I take pictures. There are alot of me sorry but this is my blog :P. but some of my friends! yay enjoy!
me angsty!
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i took my own headshot my arm is holding the camera!

(also i am in my once on this island costume)
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angsty....outside....new clothes
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(down below) come with me to my nest of love!
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kelly hennessey (our timoune) i took this! dang im good :P
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Here is the color version of mine and my friend Robert's (agwe) which i also took
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bobbi gets it on with the drapes!
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and heather!
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Blogger Susannah said...

Yay for updates! Yay for new sexy modely pics! Yay for self-obsession! Yay for the picture of Kelly that is now my desktop!

Hahaha, I'm such a dork.


11:29 PM

Blogger Danielle said...

you can't help it that you look totally hot in your new clothes!

11:44 AM


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