A place for a slightly social retard yet self proclaimedly "suprisingly handsome"(not really at all) gimp to dump stuff! Read if you want and you know me sorta, run if you dont!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

HAHAH i am tired

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Wow....bad day :(

I just got done being "sick" and am now having after shocks mainly...vocally. My lesson today was freaky I suck so bad now, not that i didnt before but it's way worse now hahahaha oh well. It actually wasnt that bad of a day, my friend Bobbi came over and we went to a movie with Kinner and her friend and ended up leaving early because it was a tad to dirty, but then ...keys were locked in cars...so we ended up waiting. :)
World of Warcraft is so addictive! I am really wishing i had an income so I could keep playing it after 30 days :P. Oh well life moves on and so will I, I think i am going to bed I need to wake up way early for one who is nocturnal.....10....AM *DUN DUN DUH*

A Clarification of the purpose of this page...

This page is not a musuem to me, it is not a hair color library it is not an ode to my supposed hotness or whatever. It is what I do when I am bored....it can be a journal or a place to show friends pictures that are funny or lame or random, it can be a rant, so random people browsing blogs or people i know who are being anonymous deal with it ok?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I dyed and cut my hair! reply with your opinions!

Oops....i did it


the orangey one is before
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Monday, April 18, 2005

diffrent view of hair color below

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Random Pictures

MY friend Bobbisue likes this hair color best. What do you all think?
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It's my kitty! He is under the bed!
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this is from 9th grade right after I shaved my head. I wore a beany cuz i was ugly without it....and it looks like with as well.
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ONE Day I'll grow into.....

My friend Susie just told me I'm a nut....well that nut will grow one day into a poison walnut tree filled with contempt for the pretty people and and it will drop the young of racoons on them and feel cool....and yea! Take that susie :P J/k I luv ya!


do girls run because of the hair? the roman nose?

the large pouty kissable lips? some one please tell me! :(
continued in post below
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Lonely Heart Club Band....with one lonely member :(

I'm kinda tired of watching other peoples romances blossom, and having them go through all the progressions of holding hands first kiss....first baby (j/k) and so on... :( I want a girl friend! I am such a loser VL (well not technically but in spirit) @ 17! Why am I so repulsive to the opposite sex? Am I ugly? Am I smelly? Am I off putting? Am I freak? Why must I be such a Geek (hey that ryhmed!) I hope my mom doesnt read these blogs....Sigh every girl i have ever been on a date with has not been intrested oh well....I can be a he-spinster :) (see picture in post above)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

For bobbi to see

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Tests, tests and more tests!

According to several Emode Tests, my EQ is 126,
I have bad self esteem
my best quality is my "creativity"
and according to my crazy buddy susie's test
my personality type is yellow which breaks down like this.

The Yellow Personality
Yellows are independent creative thinkers who use their intellect and their creative imagination to devise innovative ways of accomplishing tasks or improving on existing things. They love to solve problems. The more complex the problems the better they like them. They are natural leaders and are not hesitant to challenge status quo or authority.


AS AN INDIVIDUAL: *highly optimistic (rarely depressed) * likes self and accepts others easily * loves to volunteer for opportunities * sees life as an experience to be enjoyed * flashy (racehorse rather than plowhorse) * adventurous and daring

AS A COMMUNICATOR: * thinks quickly on his feet and can express this spontaneously* enjoys and promotes being physical (hugs, touching) * easy to converse with * comfortable with people * able to express self directly in conflict * energized by large groups * superb at superficial conversation
AS A GOAL SETTER: * appreciates and lives for the present * gives priority to playtime * very fexible * accepts guidance from others * disciplined if he finds the task fun and challenging * demands action rather than study
AS A CAREER PERSON: * people-oriented * friendly * able to take risks * high energy * inspires colleagues and subordinates to cooperate and excel * charismatic and enjoyable to work with * breaks up monotony or work world * likes to tackle short-term projects with visible results * enjoys dressing up and also comfortable with casual attire * supports dreams and intuitive thinking
AS A PARENT: * highly entertaining * promotes fun and family activities * excellent short-term leader * finds touching children natural and comfortable * flows easily with negative experiences * turns crisis into comedy * nonjudgemental about children's friends * children enjoy their company and seek them out * concern themselves with the broad picture rather than the details
AS A CHILD: * fun to have around * playful and entertaining * enjoys new experiences * accepting of differences * loves to socialize (brings friends home) * easy to talk to * strong visual learner * loves phsyical contact (hugging, kissing) * pliable--willing to bend in order to please * curious and inquisitive
AS A FRIEND: * exciting and fun to be with (never dull or boring) * often places friends before family * forgiving of self and others * lively and entertaining * vulnerable, innocent, and trusting * endearing * willing to free up schedule in order to play
AS A COMMITED PERSON: * brings excitement to spouse * promotes romance with a creative flair * enjoys unusual experiences * not burdened with emotional baggage * has few expectations of others * agreeable to change * accepts others' suggestions

AS AN INDIVIDUAL: * needs to look good socially (high priority) * irresponsible and unreliable * self-centered and egotistical * flighty and uncommited * lots of talk with little action * superficial and mostly interested in a good time * unwilling to experience pain in order to produce quality * undisciplined * loud and obnoxious in public places (Haha, Honeyman is Yellow also and this fits him)
AS A COMMUNICATOR: * often speaks before thinking * unsympathetic about depression in others * makes insensitive jokes about serious and sensitive issues * lightminded and superficial * often repititious * interrupts others freely * overly --dramatic-- in expressing self (often uses superlatives) * often talks too much about everything AND nothing * poor listener * forgets what others have said
AS A GOAL SETTER: * terribly undisciplined in committing to goals * prefers to play today rather than plan for tomorrow * feels no need to prepare for the future * restless and finds it difficult to stick with long-tem goals * more interested in appearing onstage than writing the script * disorganized and scattered in too many directions
AS A GOAL SETTER: * terribly undisciplined in committing to goals * prefers to play today rather than plan for tomorrow * feels no need to prepare for the future * restless and finds it difficult to stick with long-tem goals * more interested in appearing onstage than writing the script * disorganized and scattered in too many directions
AS A PARENT: * self-centered and more concerned about self than children's needs * more interested in enjoying children than teaching them * can be sarcastic with children * unwilling to spend a lot of time and energy on children's behalf * in consistent with discipline * irresponsible and too permissive with children * bad role models for positive work habits * lacks discipline for housecleaning or providing stable income
AS A CHILD: * sassy and demanding * defiant of authority * forgetful of assignments and parental expectations * more concerned with friends than family * teases siblings constantly * insensitive to parents' responsibilities or needs * prefers to take the easy road whenever possible * shows little concern for family problems and responsibilities * unconcerned with financial issues
AS A FRIEND: * spends most of time discussing own life * shows up at his convenience * undependable in a crisis * unwilling to commit to long-term needs of distressed friends * pursues own life regardless of friends' situations or needs * uncomfortable in painful or distressing environments * makes new friends easily and without guilt, often at the expense of old friends
AS A COMMITED COMPANION: uncommited and flighty in long-term relationships * undependable and inconsiderate of the needs of others * perfers to enter a relationship knowing their is an escape * unwilling to invest time in personal growth to improve relationships * capable of ignoring the feelings of others and focusing on self

WOW tell me what you think.....does this fit me at all? please comment!

WOW when will my drama end?

NEVER :D I know I can be dramatic, and gossipy but isn't life more fun with a little....personality now and then?

ARGH! A little about me and my frustration!

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ARGH! is right! I just found out I can only have 4 colors for the poster/program/t-shirt thing! how annoying! it looks so bad now....!
On a new less, frustrated note, I will write my first real introductory blog thingy. Hi I am Aaron Gordon, middle name James, of various lineages. I moved from California to Utah when I was 5, and I need to blog sometime about my various stories of cat-insanity at my house in California. We lived an hour away from a little town that was an hour away from Fresno. We also lived by basically no one but orange trees, 8 acres of which were ours, that seems sufficient for now. I moved to a nicely and randomly huge house in Utah promptly at the age of 5. It was massive, 11,000sq' and it had an indoor olympic sized pool and a 2 acre lot. The reason why we had a massive house was by some stretch of the imagination my dad was friends with an Osmond who was suddenly broke, we bought the huge yet...old house, for dirt cheap and immediately tried to sell it because we too could not afford it. I soon met my best friend(s) for life Bobbisue Padro and her family, we are so close it's like we are related. I had to adjust to wearing clothes, because in california I didnt have to. My brother Grant was more use to them cause he went to school. Speaking of Grant he is on a mission in Japan right now, go Grant! After a brief 2 year horribly scaring educational experience at Challenger (more on that later) I went to my new and permanent school, Meridian. It was a 35 minute drive from my house to school, but it was worth it, the teachers and the kids were awesome. Bobbi also went there :) we carpooled. And then disasterishness hit! (not really but kinda) In fourth grade I sprouted an aneurismal bone cyst in my left humerus which was splintering the bone, (it looked like a KFC drumstick). I discovered Billy (his name) while playing with one of my Dad's inventions in our loft, It hurt real bad suddenly and I fell to the floor crying, my nephews ran away laughing, and no one believed me. (I had a reputation for drama) It hurt for the next week and still no one listened to my plea's to go to a doctor. Finally while watching Babe on tv with my brother, he knocked me out of my chair and I felt a crack and a rush of heat to my arm, I started shreiking "TAKE ME TO THE DOCTOR!! GIVE ME A BLESSING! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE ME NOW!!! NOW!!!" (yea i was a drama king) They did and my mom was just doing it to...comfort me she didnt expect to see anything on the xray and said not take one, I really wanted one. The doctor at the night clinic came back in, she seemed nervous, she put the xray on the light thingy and my mom covered her mouth. There was a tumor the size of my fist (now which is pretty big) in my little fourth grade bone. When they were taking the xray they took it twice because they thought I moved and that was what was producing the tumor looking thing, but it wasnt from moving :(.It also had a compound fracture, the doctor told my mom that she was sure it wasnt benign...and the radiologist agreed. I did'nt know what it all meant, and when they used the word "malignant" and my mom started to tear up I started to take advantadge of the situation and started to tear up with her, and in the car I remember saying "Mom....I'm scared." really really really dramatically luckily she was to schocked to notice and said "me too honey". The next morning my mom saw another specialist who said it needed to be amputated ASAP and that even with the amputation I had maybe five years to live. That's all for today I'll pick up where I left off tomorrow!

Once on this piece of crap....

hey everyone tell me what you think of my poster/logo for my schools production of once on this island!
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Newest Hair color and a dear old friend?

this is petunia, the thing that stretched my arm.... ouch!
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this is an upclose of my current hair color with a flash on its not this orangey under normal light....
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more normally lit picture (right after wizard of oz hence the make up)
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wow, the fact that I not only took this many pictures of my self,

but put them on a website....is sad....
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Various Haircolor and Laughably Modelish Pics GO!

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Look at me as a blonde!

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one of my many hair styles each day!


going to bed! second post EVER!

The First BLOG ever!

Let me briefly introduce myself, I am Aaron Gordon, a slightly gimpy teenage human male. (the gimpiness seems to be very apperant on third thought) Because my newly good crazy buddy friend Susie writes blogs, I thought I would give it a go. I really should be going to bed, but I will try to blog everyday!