HAHAH i am tired

A place for a slightly social retard yet self proclaimedly "suprisingly handsome"(not really at all) gimp to dump stuff! Read if you want and you know me sorta, run if you dont!
I just got done being "sick" and am now having after shocks mainly...vocally. My lesson today was freaky I suck so bad now, not that i didnt before but it's way worse now hahahaha oh well. It actually wasnt that bad of a day, my friend Bobbi came over and we went to a movie with Kinner and her friend and ended up leaving early because it was a tad to dirty, but then ...keys were locked in cars...so we ended up waiting. :)
This page is not a musuem to me, it is not a hair color library it is not an ode to my supposed hotness or whatever. It is what I do when I am bored....it can be a journal or a place to show friends pictures that are funny or lame or random, it can be a rant, so random people browsing blogs or people i know who are being anonymous deal with it ok?
MY friend Bobbisue likes this hair color best. What do you all think?
My friend Susie just told me I'm a nut....well that nut will grow one day into a poison walnut tree filled with contempt for the pretty people and and it will drop the young of racoons on them and feel cool....and yea! Take that susie :P J/k I luv ya!
do girls run because of the hair? the roman nose?
I'm kinda tired of watching other peoples romances blossom, and having them go through all the progressions of holding hands first kiss....first baby (j/k) and so on... :( I want a girl friend! I am such a loser VL (well not technically but in spirit) @ 17! Why am I so repulsive to the opposite sex? Am I ugly? Am I smelly? Am I off putting? Am I freak? Why must I be such a Geek (hey that ryhmed!) I hope my mom doesnt read these blogs....Sigh every girl i have ever been on a date with has not been intrested oh well....I can be a he-spinster :) (see picture in post above)
According to several Emode Tests, my EQ is 126,
NEVER :D I know I can be dramatic, and gossipy but isn't life more fun with a little....personality now and then?
hey everyone tell me what you think of my poster/logo for my schools production of once on this island!
this is petunia, the thing that stretched my arm.... ouch!
Let me briefly introduce myself, I am Aaron Gordon, a slightly gimpy teenage human male. (the gimpiness seems to be very apperant on third thought) Because my newly good crazy buddy friend Susie writes blogs, I thought I would give it a go. I really should be going to bed, but I will try to blog everyday!